Friday, July 20, 2012

Welcoming New Families

Whenever new children move out to the Tree of Life Children's Village, they arrive by bus and are greeted by all of the other children and any staffers and guests that are out there.  We lined the street and began singing and chanting.  The excitement was so fun and when the bus appears, all of the kids just get giddy!

Once they arrive, all of the children gather together, teachers gather, house moms gather and everyone else too.  The children sing a couple of songs, Welcome to the Tree of Life and I'm Still Growing.  Then we all pray together and lead them to their new homes.  One of the 1st things we did together was a project that Lindsay had prepared for us.  We got each of the children's hand prints on a canvas that she had done with a verse.  It will remain in Blessing house, but I'm beginning to think I need one!! 

Preparing Blessing House and welcoming the very 1st residents of this home was a very moving experience and one I will never forget.  I also will never stop thanking God for this opportunity to bless these 12 children. 

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