Friday, July 20, 2012

Taylor, Amanda & Lilly's home

Taylor, Amanda & Lilly live in Family Legacy's Am Com (American Compound).  You drive up to a solid gate, honk your horn and the door opens.  There are 5 homes in the compound, a swimming pool and several guards and gardners.  One of the homes is used as a office, so unless the employees are out on business, they mostly work from Am Com.  There is a Zambia office that the Zambian employees use and it's in a great location, indicating to all that it's a reputable company. 

Amanda has been busy purchasing items for their house and it's really beginning to look like her.  She has made a few things and painted a few things.  She is so creative that anything she touches turns out so cute.  We brought over a few things from a wish list (drawer knobs, chalk markers, etc.) and she immediately started having fun.  Below you might see a few things that she's done.

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