We started CampLife today and my greatest surprise and Kevin's was that we each have 5 of our kids back from last year! They are all sponsored kids so for those of you that did sponsor someone, we just may be spending the week with them. When I walked up to meet my partner who was with the girls, me and the girls made eye contact and they all ran to me and we just hugged and hugged. It was a magical moment. Who would think you might see the same kids from year to year in Lusaka, Zambia but this isn't the only time it's happened. I also reconnected with Kunda, a boy who is at the Tree of Life and last year we just had a real connection. He was lined up across from me as we welcomed buses in the morning and when I called his name, he came running. What's so precious about that is he is crippled but so much improved. He had grown as had the girls from my group. I was able to see significant growth and just an overall improvement in their health. Also another surprise was that a young girl that we now sponsor after one of our original kids shifted is also in my group. When we were making a list of the kids complete names and info, I just had this feeling she would have the last name I was looking for. I was so excited to know that I would get to know her better.
Kevin has Paul, Nkola, James, Ian and Fredrick back. I will let him describe the experience later, but suffice it to say, he's so excited to have them back. He said they are such gentlemen and very smart. All of our kids that were sponsored last year are now attending Lifeway Christian School in Kenyama 2.
I have tried numerous times to post pics of the kids but they keep coming out sideways. You may just have to see them later.
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