Tuesday, February 16, 2010

The way we spend our time with Tanner!!

So we've quickly realized that most of our time with Tanner is talking to him so he can respond and taking pictures and videos. So we got his Aunt Amanda in on the action too. She introduced him to farm animal sounds and his favorite is a cow. We think he is amazing so we don't want to miss a moment! I hope we don't give him the "big head" but it's so much fun!

A Sip & See with friends

Sweet friends hosted a Sip & See for friends to meet Tanner and we had a wonderful time. Some of those friends go back to when Lindsay was just a little girl. In fact, her Sunday school teacher from early elementary years, her church children and youth music teachers and her Junior High music teacher were all there. There were friends she had worked with and worked for, and even young ladies she watched grow up. It was so special to gather with friends who continue to love and support us through all the stages of life.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Tanner visits in Longview

Lindsay & Tanner visited Mama & Papa in Longview and met some of Mama's friends. I think they all loved Tanner and had fun with him. Mama & Papa got some good loving in too.